Wood Tiger Therapies
Rodbourne-based Tui Na massage therapy and Reiki healing
In need of some self care? Wood Tiger Therapies treatments take place in a candlelit, warm and cosy room on a heated massage bed. All bedding replaced and room re-cleaned between client appointments in accordance with government COVID guidelines.
Tui Na is thought to be the world’s oldest form of bodywork. It’s an invigorating massage that’s brilliant for muscle soreness, aches and pains. Pressure is tailored to the client’s precise needs. The massage can be deep and strong - like a sports massage - or gentle for general relaxation & wellbeing.
Tui Na differs from other massages - it also works on the meridians; the invisible energetic pathways that criss cross the body from head to toe. The specific massage techniques allow for the acupoints lying along the meridians to be stimulated. These are the same points where acupuncture needles would be inserted, so Tui Na is perfect for those interested in acupuncture but nervous of needles!
Tui Na is performed through clothing so there’s no need to undress. And generally oil isn’t used, except on the face.
Tui Na makes for a deeply relaxing experience and can also help with a range of conditions such as insomnia, depression, stress & anxiety, as well as headaches and migraines. It’s particularly good at helping people to relieve the symptoms of chronic health conditions such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. Excellent for calming a frazzled mind, refreshing the head & eyes, Tui Na can also help with sinus trouble, jaw & tooth pain, and even earache.
Reiki aims to rebalance the subtle energy fields that exist within (i.e the meridians and chakras) and around (i.e the aura) our bodies so that, in turn, our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual selves can be restored. Reiki energy vibrates at a high frequency and it helps to break down and flush away blockages, and along the way to cleanse and purify the pathways through which our life force flows. All of this is to facilitate and accelerate the body’s natural healing processes, and aid in all aspects of wellbeing.
It is not uncommon for those receiving Reiki to see colours in their mind’s eye, along with other visual images, flashes of insight or clarity, all as they drift into a deep and profound state of relaxation. A Reiki treatment can provide a safe and nurturing space, all while delivering an energetic vitamin boost, and a healing salve.
When Tui Na and Reiki are combined, the effects can be amazing!
Tui Na massage for aches & pains, sore muscles and general wellbeing - £45 for 60 minutes; £65 for 90 minutes
Tui Na massage infused with Reiki healing energy - £50 for 60 minutes
Tui Na facial, head and neck massage - £25 for 30 minutes
Reiki energy healing for general wellbeing - £45 for 60 minutes
Combined Tui Na & Reiki package - £70 for 90 minutes
To book, call Christine on: 07970-430425, or Email: Christine@woodtigertherapies.co.uk, or Visit: https://www.woodtigertherapies.co.uk